Dear Congressman

Dear Congressman,

The President has presented hints but no details of a plan to eliminate Social Security as we know it. He speaks often of a Social Security "crisis" even though the most autoritative studies show that the system is fully funded for at least the next forty years. I am very interested in your opinion on this matter, since it will no doubt be crucial to determining whether I can ever again support your candidacy for office.

As you know those currently in the workforce, like my wife and I, have for twenty years been overpaying social security taxes, building up the so-called social security trust fund to its present three trillion dollars or so. As you also know, your colleagues and you and a succession of Presidents have profligately spent that money on a variety of enterprises. One of my purposes in writing to you is to let you know that any attempt to disavow that debt will be correctly characterized as theft.

Perhaps you could explain to me why it is more urgent to work on changing social security, a program which has worked well for 70 years and shows every sign of being fiscally healthy for another forty, than to fix the budget deficit, which, if continued, promises to inflict a 30-40% hit on our GDP in the next ten years (according to a current article in The Economist.

I know you have served your country well and bravely in our military in the past. I ask that you continue the same valor in your current even more critical position.


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