Review of String Theory

"The universe has eleven dimensions, but we don't see seven of them. It's like having basic cable." That is an approximation of the most memorable quote from String Theory, the movie. Yes, there really is a movie by that name, starring people you never heard of, and there is even quite a bit of chatter about string theory. Getting the drift of this movie is a bit like learning string theory - time consuming and arduous. After the initial scene where the preacher croaks in the middle of giving a sermon to a nearly empty church, it takes quite some time to introduce the other main characters - a mute boy, a homeless man, a prostitute whom we are sure will turn out to have a heart of gold, a string fanboy/druggie/??, an aging physics prof, a mercenary coke snorting televangelist, a couple of hoodlums... you get the idea.

OK, I picked up this movie for the title. Aside from the morality play/action drama playing out in the background, an awful lot of this movie is about drugs - though there is a bit of not quite explicit sex.

I found it to have a certain oddball charm - but not too much.


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