Psibr Zone

CIP: You catch Harvey C on ABC?

P0(psibr_nought): Y

CIP: And?

P0: can I use the g word?

CIP: I'd really rather you wouldn't. What did you think of his argument?

P0: he looks pretty good in a suit and overcoat. Very manly. I noticed they showed a picture of his book cover, minus the pink lettering for his name.

CIP: And what about Naomi?

P0: who?

CIP: The woman ABC rather absurdly claimed he was debating.

P0: o, right. yeah, her too.

CIP: And the debate?

P0: actually, I had the sound off. I put on the pod when george will starting reading some thirty year old nyt story about potential ice ages. did I miss anything?

CIP: I suppose not.


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