Our Stern Alarums: Richard III
Now is the Winter of our discontent made
glorious Summer by anthropogenic global warming...
Do alarms help funding? My first reaction was "Well duh!"
The American government funded physics, especially particle physics, very generously after World War II. So did a bunch of other governments. Was this because our leaders had a passionate desire to understand the strong interaction?
Not exactly. Radar and nuclear weapons made a big impression on everybody during WWII. Clearly that physics stuff might be important. Physicists parlayed that impression into 45 years of prosperity after the war, and that generous funding continued long after most physicists realized that new developments in particle physics were unlikely to have much strategic military impact. Similarly, our efforts in the space race were fueled by the fear that the Russians would get a strategic advantage. Quite likely some similar psychology fueled the disastrous stone statue arms race that ultimately destroyed the Easter Island society.
Similarly, climate science funding is driven largely by the fact that climate change (natural or anthropogenic) is an important factor in our future. That's a fact, not a fantasy. The very considerable evidence that human activities have become a major driver in climate change is evidence for alarm. Sensible alarms are not alarmism though.
Is it possible that some climate scientists have hyped the threat in order to get more funding for climate science. Well sure. Is it also possible that big energy companies with far more at stake try to discredit any evidence that might threaten their near and medium term profits? Yeah, that's for sure, also.
Exxon Mobil made $36 billion in profit last year, probably more than has been spent on climate research in all of human history. Lee Raymond, the retiring chairman who generously funded a whole raft of climate skeptics and other right wing organizations, got a nice $400 million retirement package for his efforts. I somehow doubt that any of the prophets of human induced climate change are going to pick up that kind of change. A few highlights of the ABC story:
April 14, 2006— Soaring gas prices are squeezing most Americans at the pump, but at least one man isn't complaining.
Last year, Exxon made the biggest profit of any company ever, $36 billion, and its retiring chairman appears to be reaping the benefits.
Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes.
How about it, James Hansen and William Connolley. Anybody throwing that kind of bling at you guys?
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