Off the Mass Shell

A Bushite characterized his opponents as members of "the reality based community." I suppose that makes him and his co-believers members of the unreality based community.

In quantum mechanics intermediate states that don't satisfy the conservation laws (energy and momentum, for example) can contribute to transition amplitudes. Similarly, the unreality based community has contributed immensely to causing the US to transition from widely respected military and economic superpower to crippled giant. Recent consensus intelligence estimates have concluded that the Iraq fiasco has increased the threat of terrorism and been a boon to terrorist recruitment and that we are pretty much screwed in Iraq, whatever we do now.

To top it off, the World Economic Forum has dropped the US from first to sixth in global competitiveness. Why?
Kevin Drum Reports:
The WEF said the best performing countries were distinguished by their competent economic stewardship....

Oh. Right. I guess that would do it.

"US competitiveness is threatened by large macroeconomic imbalances, particularly rising levels of public indebtedness associated with repeated fiscal deficits,"

the report said.
"Its relative ranking remains vulnerable to a possible disorderly adjustment of such imbalances."

Thanks, Republican Party!

Not to worry, they have much, much more planned.

The unreality based have found international politics and economics temporarily unrewarding, so they are now concentrating on other stuff, like global warming denial. They even have a Senator, whose other distinction is being five times voted dumbest guy in the Senate, who regularly denounces global warming on the Senate floor. He might also be the clown who gets science fiction writers to promote their books, er, testify, re global warming.

Meanwhile, Senator G Felix "Macaca" Allen is saying: "I did not put deer head in the mailbox of that (word I've never used) family. Maybe I just left them one of my mom's ham sandwiches."


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