
My two favorite comments on the recent demotion of Pluto:

"First the liberals took God out of the schools and now they are taking Pluto out of the Solar System."

"There is simply no way to rationally justify why Pluto should be one of nine planets if there exist other celestial bodies in the Solar System that are larger and more important and "planet-like" than Pluto."

Amen sister. Amen brother. Next thing you know the liberals will be taking away our God-given Guns.

And we certainly can't afford any non "planet-like" planets, especially if they aren't large and important. Mercury, Mars, and Venus together only add up to about 1/1000th of a Jovian mass, so I say they have got to go too. Just not large enough. Come to think of it, they don't seem much like the real planets in others respects either - no thick reducing atmosphere, no rings, no moons to speak of.

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