Clueless NYT to Bush: Fire AG

The New York Time's editorial this morning is undercuts its message with studied obtuseness. The editors look at the scandal and note its ever expanding tentacles:

Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Sampson and the others have given so many conflicting, barely credible stories for the firings that it is impossible not to suspect a cover-up. Some of the fired prosecutors strengthened that impression last week in written statements to Congress, in which they described being pressured by Michael Elston, an aide to the deputy attorney general, not to talk about their dismissals. John McKay, of Seattle, said his impression was that “Mr. Elston’s tone was sinister” and that he was “prepared to threaten me further if he concluded I did not intend to continue to remain silent about my dismissal.”

So far so good. Then:

In her statement, Ms. Lam said that she was given just weeks to pack up, and that Justice Department officials told her that her dismissal came “from the very highest levels of the government.”

It is long past time for President Bush to fire Mr. Gonzales. But Congress, especially the Republicans who have dared confront the White House on this issue, should not be satisfied with that. There are strong indications that the purge was ordered out of the White House, involving at the very least the former counsel, Harriet Miers, and Karl Rove.

It is the duty of Congress to compel them and other officials to finally tell the truth to the American people.

Indeed it is long past the time for Bush to fire Gonzales. Instead Bush's praise for Gonzales' "candor" makes it clear that the AG said exactly what the President wanted him to say. It's well past the time for the President to fire Gonzales. The time has come to impeach. Impeach Gonzales, impeach any official involved in the coverup, and impeach the President. Bush has made it absolutely clear that he is the decider and commander guy in these illegal actions. Let him be impeached, convicted, and removed.


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