
Humans, especially but not only civilized humans, are all engaged in various cooperative, collaborative, and collective enterprises. These various types of corporations, as they are sometimes called in economics, present some challenges to classical economic theory, due to the fact that they inhibit perfect capitalistic competition.

They are also uncongenial to the various libertarian and Randian ideologues, since they don't comport well with their fantasy universes.

Yes, you guessed it. I am a bit provoked by a bit of libertarian snark in the comments. Collectivism is their nastiest curse word I suppose. There is some historical provocation. Some of the worst communist crimes were committed in the establishment of various so-called "collective" enterprises - really enslavement by the state. If you want to equate all forms of enforced cooperation with the worst evils of communism, you are making an unreasonable extrapolation.

On the other hand, if you want to pretend that any form of cooperation other than purely voluntary is an offense against liberty, you are living in the wrong universe - or at least are a member of the wrong species.

Involuntary cooperation is an evil to the extent that it is unnecessary, restricts fundamental liberties, or is manifestly unfair. If you guess from this that I don't have much sympathy for anti-tax fanatics or those who believe it's their God-given right to destroy the planet you just might be right.


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