Hitler, Hitler, Hitler

Josh Marshall has a video of the debate on attacking Iran between arch-neocon Norman Podhoretz and disillusioned neocon Fareed Zakaria. NP's entire argument is "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler." As Josh points out, the comparison is utterly absurd, but neocons seem immune to logic.

It's almost an insult to what the world faced in the late 1930s. Germany, industrial powerhouse, with arguably the most powerful army in the world, at the forefront of technology, overawing and invading neighboring countries. Iran, minor economic power, second or third-rate military power, which may get a couple of small nuclear-weapons compared to the couple hundred high-end nuclear warheads in Israel's arsenal (plus, a robust second strike capacity, as Fareed notes) and the many thousands we have -- and our blue water navy, satellites, air force. Please. Time's running out for us? We're going to look back on this fifty years ago and see the non-podhoretz-loons as the Chamberlains of the day. I don't know what to say. Just watch ...

Remember too, that Iran has launched an aggressive war for what, centuries?

If Podhoretz wants to find Hitler, and he really, really does, he should look into his own heart. He and his fellow fanatics have already launched one unjust aggressive war that has killed a million people, but their blood lust is utterly unslaked. Like Hitler, they won't be content until their murder spree brings their own nation to destruction.


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