View From the Pew

The Republican Debates

It's just possible that I have a slight prejudice here, but were the Republican candidates a bunch of scuzzy old whores or what? Ron Paul excepted, of course, but every time he said something intelligent, the stupidocracy, led by Romney, shouted him down. Giuliani is the sleeziest, and McCain is the oldest, but Romney valiantly tried too.

Pretty much the whole message of these louts (Ron Paul - you should keep better company) is fear mongering. The Islamic bogeyman poses an "existential threat" says the McCainbot - (I prefer to think that the real John McCain is being held prisoner somewhere, while this dopey Republibot campaigns). Pull - f*****g -leeze! The entire Islamic world has little technology, little military power, and is largely allied with our ruling Republicrooks.

The country does face some serious threats - the disregard for our constitution, the erosion of individual liberty, the destruction of the economy by Republican borrow and spend, and the alienation of friends and allies through reckless arrogance and stupidity. There are plenty of other challenges as well: the external competition from India and China, the failure of our education system, the absurd inefficiency and exorbitance of our health care system, and numerous and potentially catastrophic threats to the environment.

Health care was the only one of these to appear, so far as I can tell, and what was said about it only reveals an even more serious threat to our country: You apparently can't get nominated as a Republican for the Presidency without lying through your teeth and/or being a more or less total idiot.

The current Republican incumbent excels in both regards, and it was striking how reluctant the current crop of candidates was to let a hair's breadth of difference appear with the most unpopular President in generations. Bush's only serious competition for worst President ever is Dick Cheney, and only Ron Paul dares to challenge him in any respect.


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