Darwin in the NYT
Carl Safina has a singularly obtuse essay in the NYT today: Darwinism Must Die So That Evolution May Live. As a title: cute but dumb. As an idea: huh?
He seems to be under the impression that identification of evolution with Darwin is some kind of dangerous cult. He argues nonsensically, for example, that Darwin created Creationism.
Into the breach: intelligent design. I am not quite saying Darwinism gave rise to creationism, though the “isms” imply equivalence. But the term “Darwinian” built a stage upon which “intelligent” could share the spotlight.
He notes that the idea of evolution came before Darwin. Quite so. So did the idea of intelligent design.
He trivializes Darwin's real idea, natural selection, while ignoring it's central role in explaining everything about evolution. No, Darwin didn't understand everything about biology, nor did he understand the genetic mechanism through which natural selection did its work. It was characteristic of his genius, though, that he understood what it was that he didn't understand.
Safina's remarks reveal at every point his ignorance of the history and historical importance of Darwin's dangerous idea, as Daniel Dennett described it.
Safina's final paragragh encapsulates his misunderstandings:
But our understanding of how life works since Darwin won’t swim in the public pool of ideas until we kill the cult of Darwinism. Only when we fully acknowledge the subsequent century and a half of value added can we really appreciate both Darwin’s genius and the fact that evolution is life’s driving force, with or without Darwin.
The first sentence wouldn't make sense even if there really was a "cult of Darwinism," which there isn't. The final sentence is even stupider. Who does he think is in this mysterious cult of Darwin worshipers is that doesn't acknowledge the subsequent 150 years of progress in biology? The cult doesn't exist, and the advance of biology since Darwin is universally acknowledged. Evolution is not "life's driving force," it's an explanation of why life is the way it is. Darwin's natural selection, though, is what drives evolution.
Safina is apparently a MacArthur fellow. He is also an idiot.
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