Why I Hate Libertarianism: Part XXIV
I'm a mild mannered man. OK, that could be an exaggeration. Let's compromise on a "nonviolent person." One thing that has long reduced me to incoherent fury is libertarianism. I remember being outraged by it in high school and college. So let me try to be slightly more coherent. I've thought about it a lot, and I think I can finally clearly identify the part I object to. Man is a social animal. Not quite as eusocial as an ant or honeybee, but obligately social nonetheless. The essence of any society is the principle that we are all in this together, and libertarians reject this explicitly. So, for me, libertarianism is both antisocial and anti-human. The other part of my anger is watching how libertarianism works in practice. The US is perhaps the most libertarian society in the advanced world and the result has been a system in which the wealthiest and their corporations loot and pillage the general populace with the support of the government. Of