Bush Agonistes?

Newsweek can generally be counted on to produce a Howard Fineman puff piece on Bush every year or so, but the August 22 story by Holly Bailey and Evan Thomas is something a bit different. They tell of meetings of grieving families with the President that paint a more complex picture than Cindy Sheehan's. Their Bush has learned the dead soldiers names and how to empathize, often crying with the families. The quote:
I will never feel the same level of pain and loss that you do. I didn't lose anyone close to me, a member of my family or someone I love. But I want you to know that I didn't go into this lightly. This was a decision I struggle with every day.
Sounds good, sounds human - maybe too good, at least to those of us who believe that he did go into the war lightly and recklessly, and that he has, through folly or callous indifference, catastrophically mismanaged it.

I think I would prefer to think that he does struggle with the consequences of his actions. At least that would seem to imply that he isn't utterly monstrous. Or is this story just another piece of the vast and intricate web of misdirections, obfuscations and deceits secreted by Rove's spinnerets.


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