
It's hard not feel sympathy for people forced from their long-time homes, but the combination of wall-to-wall coverage and settler histrionics is testing mine. After all, these displaced persons are being compensated and being treated with kid gloves. What right do they have to make life miserable for the soldiers there to enforce the law? They certainly wouldn't get that kind of publicity or sympathy if they were being moved to make room for a mall or a freeway.

And there is the fact the land they were on was taken from the rightful owners in the first place, from Palestinians who got no coverage, no compensation, and no sympathy when they were summarily expelled. We don't hear much about the Palestinians removed to make room for walls, forts, and settlements nowdays either.

I guess what really annoys me is the subtext of religious fanaticism. It's that fundamentalist religious doctrine of greater Israel that animates the resisters and is one of the biggest impediments to peace.


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