Deconstructing Iraq

I wasn't that optimistic about the Iraqi Constitution yesterday, and delaying the vote for a third time today was not exactly a good omen. But now it might be time for despair. David Brooks has written this column explaining just what a jim dandy this constitution is. What David Brooks really likes is that it breaks up Iraq into three countries, thus expressing the citizens most fundamental aspirations.
In the last election each group expressed its authentic identity, the Kurds by voting for autonomy-minded leaders, the Shiites for clerical parties and the Sunnis by not voting.

This constitution gives each group what it wants. It will create a very loose federation in which only things like fiscal and foreign policy are controlled in the center (even tax policy is decentralized). Oil revenues are supposed to be distributed on a per capita basis, and no group will feel inordinately oppressed by the others.
Yeah right. One nation, with three or five or ten armies.

If you liked the above, you've got to love the following bit of supremely cynical bullshit:
The U.S. has orchestrated a document that is organically Iraqi.

It's their country, after all.


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