Lovely New Tactic
Another dandy new denialist trick is in operation. Many of the usual climate denialist bozos have been popularizing the site of a fifteen year old from Portland Maine who has put up a web site attacking Al Gore's climate warnings. This is the denialist equivalent of those terrorists who load up a kid with nails and explosives and send him out on a suicide mission, the idea in each case being the notion that no-one would pick on a kid.
The kid in question, it seems, has a little problem with details and facts, though she has been clever enough to set up a mechanism for the (dis)believers to finance her.
Picking on a kid *is* a dirty job, and one that would certainly be beneath a worthy Rabett if it weren't for the fact that certain climate liars have taken to promoting her blog. Thus provoked, Eli looks at and refutes some of her claims here and here. Familiar themes links his stories. In each case, our teen critic has cited reports she failed to read and understand and misquoted the history of CO2 rise in our atmosphere.