Scandal O'Rama

Despite total Republican control of all three branches of government, every week seems to bring a couple of new GOP scandals. A mistress strangler here, An attempted rapist and alien hider there, throw in some crooked land manipulations here, here, here, a bit of voter intimidation there, and pretty soon you start wondering about these guys. The GOP or the Soprano's?

Add a couple of Republican Congressmen with a taste for same sex (male) pages and a Republican running for governor who allegedly has a felon for a boyfriend. Sounds like a moral, Christian group if I ever saw one.

Of course Democrats have their own scandals. Harold Ford, running for Senate in Tennessee, is clearly guilty of supporting stem cell research and running for Congress while (partly) black.

Josh Marshall has this collection of politico's and their friends who have actually been charged, indicted, or convicted. (There is actually a dem on the list, though he hasnt't been indicted yet).

If this is how much trouble they get in when they control the levers of power, no wonder they are terrified that the Dems might win one house of Congress.


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