Partly because so many of the neocon architects of the war were Jewish (Kristol, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith) some have argued that Iraq was a war fought to make Israel safe. This conveniently leaves out the fact that Bush and Cheney and Rice aren't Jewish.
It's fair then, that Israelis are arguing that the war in Lebanon is a case of Israel serving its American master. A couple of Haaretz articles argue that Bush is pushing Israel to expand the war, and it is obvious that he is doing nothing to contain it.
I think there is something to this theory. Bush and friends are right to be concerned about the growth of Iranian influence in the wake of the Iraq fiasco. It's not clear to me that another fiasco is going to help things.
It's fair then, that Israelis are arguing that the war in Lebanon is a case of Israel serving its American master. A couple of Haaretz articles argue that Bush is pushing Israel to expand the war, and it is obvious that he is doing nothing to contain it.
I think there is something to this theory. Bush and friends are right to be concerned about the growth of Iranian influence in the wake of the Iraq fiasco. It's not clear to me that another fiasco is going to help things.
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