Climate Quiz

Mainly for doubters of the Standard Climate Model, intended to assess how far up the river (de Nile) you are. (All questions yes or no or don't know/don't care )

(1)CO2 and other so-called greenhouse gases warm the Earth? (Y N DK)

(2)Human activities are increasing CO2 in the atmosphere? (Y N DK)

(3)Measurements prove that the Earth has been warming for over a century? (Y N DK)

(4)Human activities contribute to this warming? (Y N DK)

(5)Human caused global warming (AGW) is happening but not important. (Y N DK)

(6)AGW is likely to increase global temperatures by 5 C or more over the next century if nothing is done to stop it? (Y N DK)

(7)AGW is happening but we can't, or shouldn't do anything about it. (Y N DK)

(8)AGW is likely to transform our planet in unpleasant or even catastrophic ways. (Y N DK)

(9)AGW presents a severe threat to the continuance of human life, or at least to human life at an acceptable quality of life. (Y N DK)

My answers: 1. Y, 2. Y, 3. Y, 4. Y, 5. N, 6. Y, 7. N, 8. Y, 9. DK

(Cut, paste, and revise line above in comments if you are willing to share your answers.)


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