History of Sex

Part I: 1,000,000 BC to 1960 AD. Very little of interest happened in this period - mostly just the usual yada, yada, yada. There was one thing - maybe I will get to it later.

Part II: 1960 - present. The invention of the contraceptive pill made a convenient and effective method of birth control widely available. This greatly reinforced the feminist revolution and all the other sexual revolutions. Progress toward a pan-sexual paradise was interrupted when it was noticed that sex was still a very effective means of spreading disease - and that the instincts developed over the previous billion years hadn't disappeared either.

More importantly, effective control of fertility made it possible, for the first time in human history, to control population increase to Malthusian immizeration by means other than war, disease, and starvation. The jury is still out on whether this will actually happen.


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