One Idiot's Guide to the Economosphere

Paul Krugman - a very clever fellow who should never be allowed to use the word "wonk." (If it is a word)

Brad DeLong - Another clever fellow - unfortunately also a reincarnation of Savronala. Could stand to be more temperate/mealy mouthed.

Eugene Fama - Who?

Tyler Cowen - A very clever fellow who would be more successful if he were less concerned with being the coolest kid in the school.

John Cochrane - Eugene Fama's son-in-law. The Fama family's most useful output: Children's stories.

Greg Mankiw I - Prolific writer of unintelligible but prestigious textbooks. Good blogger.

Greg Mankiw II - Bottom dwelling Bush admin econo-liar. Not known to be related to his namesake.

Steven Landsberg - Math/relativity dropout. Also, frequently annoying twit.

Steven Levitt - Economist with a genius for self-promotion.

Milton Friedmann, John M Keynes, Adam Smith. Members of two famous economics clubs: G = good economists, D = dead economists. An important but unproven conjecture holds that G is a subset of D.

Lawrence Summers - Former Harvard President and Treasury Sec. Famed for his groundbreaking study: "The Economics of Tact."

Wonk - The sound a goose makes as it is sucked into the engine of an Airbus A-380 personal luxury jet with onboard parking for your Rolls.


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