A Brookie I can Almost Like

David Brooks has a humorous column on the Roberts hearings and it's actually funny:
John Roberts Jr. Aw, shucks. This has been a humbling experience, Mr. Chairman. To think that a boy from an exclusive prep school and Harvard Law could grow up and be nominated for the Supreme Court...
And this:
Tom Coburn Well put, Judge Roberts. Yet when I think of the polarization that still divides this great nation ... waaaahhhh ... waaaahhhh. (Senator Coburn breaks down weeping.)

Jeff Sessions This may be a good moment to remind my colleagues on the other side of the aisle that in this country unelected judges don't write the laws. We have unelected lobbyists to do that. Under our system, judges merely interpret the law and decide presidential elections.

More of that and I could almost learn to like Brooks. Too bad he's disappearing behind this nasty subscription wall, though Paul Krugman is a few zillion times the loss.


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