Faith Based Impeachment

From NPR today: A tabletop exercise, "Hurricane Pam" was conducted this year where they considered the worst case scenario for New Orleans. They determined that there were 112,000 households in NO that had no transportation. How would these people evacuate? They assumed that the "faith based community" would pick up the slack. The Bush administration has now had four years since 9/11 to figure out how to cope with large scale disasters. They've spent tens (or hundreds) of billions and the best they can do is "God will provide?"

"No one could have anticipated that the levees would be breached." - GW this AM.

"No one could have imagined that terrorists would fly planes into the World Trade Center." - Condeleeza Rice

Can anybody in the Bush administration imagine what will happen when peak oil hits, and gas goes up to $6.00/gal permanently? I doubt it.

Can they imagine what happens when we have offended so many of our allies that America has only enemies in the world?

Can they imagine that the best Army in the world can be broken by a strategy with no hope for victory, and no exit strategy?

Can they anticipate what will happen when some terrorist sets off a dirty bomb, or an anthrax bomb in NYC, producing ten or twenty million refugees?

Can they imagine what happens when the Earth warms by 2 or 3 degrees C?

There is no reason to believe they can, but if a Bush is in office at the time, we can count on him being on vacation.


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