Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy

Conservative half wits are starting to moon over Rudy Giuliani's stout leadership in the wake of 9/11. Exactly what was it he did once he figured out that his command post was destroyed? Essentially all the victims were already dead. No critical threat to the rest of the population actually existed.

The failures in New Orleans were manifold: 1) failure to prepare (Rudy flunks that one too - the failure of the firemen's radios killed dozens or hundreds.) 2) Failure to act quickly to aid survivors (since no one, or almost no one, survived the towers collapse, this wasn't a problem for Rudy), 3) Failure to even look like they gave a damn - Rudy wins this one hands down, 4) A steady parade of ignorant and dishonest statements from Brown, Chertoff, and Bush - I'll give Rudy this one too, but once again, for him, since there was nothing to be done, not doing much didn't matter.

Like Bush and Louisiana, Rudy was not prepared for the calamity. He has a much better excuse, since his calamity was not very easy to foresee ("who could have imagined...") Unlike the case with Bush, there was little he could do once the catastrophe happened, so he can't be blamed for what he didn't do..


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