Peaceniks for Bush

I've been watching a singularly inept anti-war demonstration on C-SPAN , one that could hardly have been more counterproductive if it had been organized by Karl Rove - and perhaps he had his hand in it. If you want to make a case against the war, you need to speak to the American people have NOT yet made up their minds. A few of the speakers, especially the mothers of soldiers living and dead, made that case simply and movingly.

Somebody, though, thought it was a good idea to include any old left-wing nutjob or political opportunist (yeah, I was thinking of you, Ralph) with an axe to grind. I can almost guarantee that the dreadlocked anti-Israel lefties didn't win any net converts. Ditto for those who thought this was a forum to advance lesbian rights.

Republicans are never so stupid about politics. Their speakers are as meticulously selected as fashion models, and no message deviation is tolerated.

Any nostalgia I might have for the sixties is completely eclipsed by my disgust at the incompetence. There is a very good case to be made that the war was based on lies and fantasies, and an even better one that it's been atrociously mismanaged, and damnit, somebody ought to be making it. Appeal to our logic, to our better natures, and to our anger, but let's keep our focus.


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