Bush in Space

The wierd video of Bush being briefed on the impending Katrina disaster before it happened is odder than just another Bush lie ("I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." ) The oddest part is not that he was explicitly briefed on just this likelyhood but sat impassively asking not a single question. There is clueless and there is lost in space, and Bush was out there on Omega Centauri.

Peter Baker and Spencer F Hsu's WP article has the story and a link to the video.
The video leaves little doubt that key people in government did anticipate that the levees might not hold.

In combination with the earlier revelations that White House aides were afraid to interupt the President's vacation to tell him how bad the disaster was, this adds to the image of a remote, clueless, and disengaged executive whose response to bad news is to shoot the messenger.

The continuing revelations that he responded in the same fashion when reports of trouble in Iraq began coming in reinforce the impression that this is a man living in his own alternate reality. Unfortunately, the rest of us are stuck in this one.

Except of course for Rush Limbaugh and a few Faux News deadenders, who also seem to be living on Bush's brane.


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